Wedding in Poland - The 12-Month Wedding Planning Timeline

by - 12/13/2019

If you're just starting to envision your wedding in Poland and wondering about all the things you'll need to do—and when—then you're in the right place.  

At Winsa - Wedding Planners, we create preparation schedules for our wedding couples all the time. Today I would also like to present to you my general proposal for a chronological summary of the most important planning elements in the form of a wedding calendar. You should remember about all the following (but not only) things to prepare your perfect wedding day without tension. Individual items in the calendar schedule can be slightly shifted in time adjusting them to your needs. Find out what needs to be done when planning your destination wedding in Poland with my month-by-month guide.

First dance, Wedding in Poland, Marriage in Poland, Destination Wedding in Poland, concordat wedding in Poland, church wedding in Poland, civil wedding in Poland, symbolic wedding in Poland, formalities before marriage in Poland, Wedding Planner in Poland,Wedding Planning Timeline

Wedding in Poland - The 12-Month Wedding Planning Timeline

10 - 12 months before the wedding:

6- 9 months before the wedding:

  • Share responsibilities, i.e. who, where, when and what to do. 
  • Choose and buy a wedding dress for the Bride and a suit for the Groom. 
  • Sign up for premarital counseling. 
  • Book a destination for a honeymoon 
  • Appoint bridesmaid and best man 
  • Create a list of wedding presents 
  • Order wedding rings 
  • Book transportation for the Newlyweds 
  • Book: make-up artist, hairdresser and floristics. 
  • Keep fit and healthy.
3- 5 months before the wedding:

  • Order wedding invitations and define their content. 
  • Address the invitations and invite guests to the wedding.
  • Purchase wedding styling accessories: veil, shoes, jewelry, underwear etc. 
  • Provide the necessary documents needed to get married to the appropriate institution. 
  • Set up a Bachelorette Party and a Stag Night and their attractions. 
  • Sign a prenup in front of the notary, if prenup is anticipated 
  • Book accommodation for wedding guests 
  • Choose wedding menu, type of cake and drinks and choose a wedding cake. 
  • Plan and book transportation for guests. 
  • Inform the employer about the wedding and apply for the annual leave. 
  • Decide on the selection of additional attractions if they are planned. 
  • Collect wedding rings. 
  • Start a dance course.

1 - 2 months before the wedding:
  • Choose decorations, wedding bouquets, flowers for the church, the wedding hall, flowers for the car. 
  • Plan your music repertoire. 
  • Make an appointment for fitting a wedding dress and suit and their tailor-made corrections. 
  • Buy gifts as thanks to the Parents. 
  • Carefully plan the course of the wedding day celebrations. 
  • Plan the placement of guests at the tables. 
  • Arrange child care services and activities, if necessary. 
  • Make an appointment for a test hairstyle and make-up. 
  • Order vignettes for tables, print the menu. 
  • Hire a wedding day coordinator if a wedding planner wasn’t already hired. 
  • Confirm all wedding reservations and services. 
  • Attend the first pre-wedding confession (concordat or church wedding).

1 - 2 weeks before the wedding:

  • Verify the final number of wedding guests. 
  • Arrange the ceremony with the priest or Civil Registry Office official. 
  • Organize a Bachelorette Party and a Stag Party. 
  • Prepare the necessary location maps for guests. 
  • Gather all the necessary wedding decorations and accessories in one place.

One day before wedding:

  • Prepare all necessary documents 
  • Pick up flowers from the florists 
  • Pack the beautician. 
  • Attend the second pre-wedding confession.
Wedding day:

  • Get enough sleep and relax. 
  • Visit a hairdresser and do make-up. 
  • Welcome guests and have fun!

After wedding:
  • Send thanks to the wedding Guests. 
  • Organize an outdoor photo session. 
  • Return wedding outfits to the laundry or rental company. 
  • Provide information on the change of name to the appropriate authorities. 
  • Pack up for your honeymoon and live happily ever after.
A long list of pre-marriage obligations, settlements, and assignments before marriage in Poland can be a headache.  That is why I hope that the calendar of wedding preparations will allow you to find yourself in the maze of organizational matters. Remember that in unexpected situations nothing will spoil the joy, happiness and pleasure associated with this unforgettable event in your life.

However, if you are wondering if you will definitely find time for all this and whether you will be able to take care of all formalities and deadlines before marriage in Poland, I am here to help you organize all subjects that need to be addressed in a timely manner to avoid panic and not to forget about any of them during preparation. I will be happy to give you advise and make your destination wedding in Poland really special. I’m pleased to invite you to cooperate with my Winsa Wedding Planning Agency.

Be Inspired,
Dorota Nowakowska
Wedding Planner in Poland

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