Flowers and wedding decorations 2020 - most interesting proposals

by - 11/20/2019

Wedding floral decorations are the best way to adorn the wedding hall. It will be then not only natural and beautiful, but above all colorful! Believe me, there is nothing better than flowers, their colors and scent, which is why I want to encourage you to make flowers the main decorative theme. However, if you are looking for other concept for wedding decorations, in this article I have composed a few suggestions from the trends of wedding decorations for 2020.

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Wedding floral decorations does not have to ruin your wedding bugdet! It is enough to approach the subject rationally and clearly define the wedding expenses. If you're getting married in spring, enjoy seasonal flowers - there are plenty of them during this time of the year and it would be a sin not to use it. Do not limit yourself to only use flowers as the bridal bouquet only because they are a great decorative accent. However, if for some reason you do not like flowers or there are other circumastances by which they are not on the list of your wedding dreams, I have a few alternative suggestions for wedding decorations.


2020 the year of passionate colors

When 2019 was a chance for flowers in muted shades of blush type of lavender and pale pink, so the new season ... is fiery and passionate! Hot roses, fuchsia, purples, especially cassis, a mix of pink and purple - these are the color of flowers you should definitively choos!
Wedding Tables decor, Wedding floral decorations, Wedding flowers Krakow, Wedding in Poland, Wedding Planner in Krakow, Wedding in Krakow, Wedding trends 2020, Flowers 2020, Decorations 2020, Destination wedding, Wedding Decoration, Trendy Wedding Krakow 

Loosely tied bouquets

In addition, 2020 sets down a new direction in floral wedding decorations - it must be natural. Rich colors will emerge, but in a modest form. Informal and such more "relaxed" bouquets should attend in the company of greenery and large leaves. That's the way, they will gain the desired naturalness.

Forget about tightly packed bouquets! Wedding flowers in 2020 should be in loose bouquets and the best choice are the flowers with large heads.

Bridal Flowers, Wedding floral decorations, Wedding flowers Krakow, Wedding in Poland, Wedding Planner in Krakow, Wedding in Krakow, Wedding trends 2020, Flowers 2020, Decorations 2020, Destination wedding, Wedding Decoration, Trendy Wedding Krakow 
Bridal Flowers, Wedding floral decorations, Wedding flowers Krakow, Wedding in Poland, Wedding Planner in Krakow, Wedding in Krakow, Wedding trends 2020, Flowers 2020, Decorations 2020, Destination wedding, Wedding Decoration, Trendy Wedding Krakow

Flowers 2020, Wedding floral decorations, Wedding flowers Krakow, Wedding in Krakow, Wedding in Poland, Wedding Planner in Krakow, Wedding trends 2020


Glass wedding decorations

Glass is also one of the heroes that often appears in trendbooks for wedding decorations for 2020. The most popular are baubles filled with multi-colored flowers or slides or confetti that hang down from the ceiling.
We also welcome wedding crystal decoration, which beautifully reflect light and give the whole setting a touch of luxury.

Flowers 2020, Wedding floral decorations, Wedding flowers Krakow, Wedding in Krakow, Wedding in Poland, Wedding Planner in Krakow, Wedding trends 2020
Luxuary Wedding, Wedding Table Design, Romantic Wedding, Wedding floral decorations, Wedding flowers Krakow, Wedding in Poland, Wedding Planner in Krakow, Wedding in Krakow, Wedding trends 2020, Flowers 2020, Decorations 2020, Destination wedding, Wedding Decoration, Trendy

Fairy-tale wedding decorations

Now fashion is back to nature with a dose of mysticism. Huge wall murals appear in the wedding halls, which together with the decorations on the tables and the decor create a great background to play with. Wedding decorations in 2020 are primarily nature, but in a fairy-tale sense. So there will be fantastic motifs, wooden decorations and glass bottles filled with slides, flowers or even crystal ornaments hanging on the chandeliers that will cast magical glow on the floor.

Perfect Wedding, Luxuary Wedding, Wedding floral decorations, Wedding flowers Krakow, Wedding in Poland, Wedding Planner in Krakow, Wedding in Krakow, Wedding trends 2020, Flowers 2020, Decorations 2020, Destination wedding, Wedding Decoration, Trendy Wedding Krakow

Rustic wedding decorations with flowers

Rustic wooden benches and tables bend with excess fruit and vegetables. There are also wedding flowers that resemble here hastily plucked bunches on a nearby meadow.
Wedding Table decoration, Elegant Wedding, Wedding floral decorations, Wedding flowers Krakow, Wedding in Poland, Wedding Planner in Krakow, Wedding in Krakow, Wedding trends 2020, Flowers 2020, Decorations 2020, Destination wedding, Wedding Decoration, Trendy Wedding Krakow
Wedding Table decoration, Elegant Wedding, Wedding floral decorations, Wedding flowers Krakow, Wedding in Poland, Wedding Planner in Krakow, Wedding in Krakow, Wedding trends 2020, Flowers 2020, Decorations 2020, Destination wedding, Wedding Decoration, Trendy Wedding Krakow

The best wedding decoration

Although I talked over here about few decoration proposals, it is true that the top wedding trend for 2020 is individuality. The industry is evolving, which is why there is less and less about a traditional Polish wedding reception with richly pledged tables and games.. Nowadays the wedding can easilty reflect your desires and expectations. If Bride and Groom want a modest party among the flowers - they simply do it. If they want a wedding with a real pump, a room decorated in a palace style with lots of gold as a decoration - you got it! If the bride collects angels and wants to put them on the table as a wedding decoration - a great idea!

And this is the most wonderful thing. Everyone chooses the setting and wedding decorations that they like. It is only important that everything works together stylistically and together creates an atmosphere that the Bride and Groom will remember for the rest of their lives.

Are you ready to find out more about the best floral wedding decorations? Check out my previous article: Floral ideas for spring wedding.

Be Inspired,
Dorota Nowakowska
Wedding Planner in Poland

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